Friday, July 9, 2010

been awhile

I have kinda slacked on the blogging department....ooops. June was a MEGA busy month!!!

Started off working the first Saturday....Then, it was Butterfest, then had some parties in there.....then COUNTRY FEST!!!! Oh yeah, on top of that I moved and Lily had a few dr appts in there. Well, the Dr. Appts are not going to go away. But, the moving and busy work month is done.

I have started and investigation at work. shhhhh. :) my coffee mug comes up missing more times then it is here. SOMEONE keeps taking it and hiding it on me. The last several times it was the cleaning lady. Now this time she says it is not her. hmmmmmm. Sounding kinda fishy.

I got a note from her i my drawer:
sorry I have no idea where your things are. I washed both of your cups & put them in the cupbaord - if you misplace things again, please do no assume I will be resposible for them.

I did NOT misplace my mug. I know where i left it.

I know i sound petty. BUT, this is like the 5th time my coffee mug has gone missing. The other times she was the culprit.

In other news....

I am all moved into my new place and loving it!!! Can not wait to have a free weekend to have a few friends over for a bonfire.

I have a couple Passion Parties this weekend. I love both of my jobs! They are so much fun! Work at Cow97....AND....Do Passion Parties....LOVE IT! :)


Friday, April 2, 2010

Click the pic to see the full story on this ugly creature that was found.
I think it looks like an alien!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

before i check out a few girls on a nice day riding bike... well, Lily falling off her she learns how to go with out Training wheels.....

Wednesday...Almost noon. I am exhausted!!! I get to take the day off of Pilates today. 2 on, 1 off. I think I am going to modify that. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday's do Pilates and Walk. Take a break from Pilates on Wednesday but still do my walking. That, I think will work out the best. I am not even going to try and schedule work outs on the weekend. I like the house to be empty when i do those videos! :)

I am really hoping i can stick with this and get 26 lbs lighter by June 21st. Not only am I looking forward to less lbs...but also looking forward to being more active with my kids. I want them to be active and not get lazy like i have become.

I think when i get home I am going to lay down and take a quick nap....then after i go get the girls sit down and read my book. I have kinda stalled on the book reading. My goal is one book a month. I have till next wednesday to keep that goal on track. Eclipse is calling my name.

No Major plans this weekend. Going to visit some friends, doing Taylor and Makayla's hair for skating pictures, Church on Sunday for Palm Sunday, and that is about it.

Intersting story of the day.....Miley Cyrus was the "mentor last night on American are some comments.....

Then you can go to and vote for how you think the show is doing this year.

New life change....

OK....SO, I am not taking a Before picture and posting it on here. I have taken one...BUT, will not post it until June 21st. The Monday before Country Fest.

That gives me....13 weeks.

My thought is....2lbs a week.....HOLY that is 26 lbs!!! I guess that is my goal then 26lbs by June 21st!!!!

Here are the measurements this week:
Bust - 43 in
Upper waist - 39 in
Belly Button - 40 in
Baby pooch - 43 1/2 in
Hips - 47 in
Right Arm - 15
Left Arm - 14 1/2
Left Thigh - 25
Left Leg - 25

Total Inches - 292

There....That is for week one.

I will keep checking in with my measurements every week.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Weekend

Well, it is V day weekend. Not a mega romantic things in store. Lots of Kidlet time. Last night
we watched some of the Olympic opening ceromonies. Sadly, I was in bed and sleeping before 9! ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!! I think I growing up! HOLY! I am not sure if I am more upset that I was in bed by 9 on a friday night....or that I did not think anything of it! :)

I worked this morning. whohoo. I came home to kids all crazed up. :) i am not sure why that is by...WOW! Now, tonight we are having Italian night. OK i am not sure if this count or not. We are having home made pizza and then watching Cloudy with a chance of meatballs! LMAO. Our kiddy Italian night i guess.

Hannah is feeling better. Thank goodness. On Tuesday I had her in to the dr. ear infection, pnemonia, and what sounded like asthma. So, we have been doing neb treatments, and tonight is her last does of zythromax. FUN FUN! I just want my healthy babies back. They are both still coughing a little bit. BUT, nothing like last week.

I finished my 2nd book of my new obsession. New Moon. Twilight took me 8 days. New Moon took me 4! I can not wait to get to the library on Monday to get then next one....eclipse? is it? I should do more research on my obsession. Funny thing is....i used to make fun of "twilighters" AND now I think I am one of them. ob boy! :)

Oh, Looks like the pizza is almost done.....of to our "Itaian" night :)

till next time...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh what a week...

It has been one of those weeks. To tell you what kinda of week I have had....
The box of wine I picked out for my Girls Night tomorrow almost GONE! I had to go get 2 more boxes of it just to make sure I had enough to get through the weekend!

Yes, I am sure in the text books I am a wino...But that is, OK! I only go for the nice vintage BOX of wine. Wine with a spout! :) How convenient!!!

Monday, I had meetings. Tuesday, I had meetings. Wednesday, I had MORE meetings! Thursday, EVEN MORE meetings (at least one of these meetings was a lunch meeting). Today, was a bitter sweet day...More meetings....BUT, got things accomplished. I also did a Live Broadcast from Pasture Pride Cheese Store in Cashton. NUMMY! Then, I came home and played "middle man" with my tax refund that hit my bank today! I should have just called the IRS and made them send checks to the right people. That would have saved me oodles of time!

I was trying to get all the money where it needed to go with 2 screaming kids running around me. THAT is always fun! I swear they have a buzzer in their toy room that screams "MOM IS ON THE PHONE GO CRAZY!" At one point they drug out their stick ponies, flipped them upside down, and played Hockey! Where do they come up with this stuff. OR, when they came out with their Dr set and tried to get the dog to sit still so they could give her a fake shot. I guess that is just a normal day at this house. I should come to expect it. I am still excited that I have a place to right down my crazy days.

I have been told I should write a sitcom. Well, this is as close as it is going to get. :)

I cheated on supper tonight. Kids wanted left over pizza (from the supper I cheated on last night...Pizza Hut) and my fiance wanted to munch on the goodies I brought back from Pasture Pride Cheese. So, I guess that is OK with me! I was going to have some left overs in the fridge myself....BUT, the box of wine jumped out at me when I went to the fridge.....and I guess, that is MY supper tonight!

And now, Here I sit typing away with a glass of wine. Lily (my 5 year old), wanted to go to bed at 6:30. I let her finally go at 7, after crying and begging. Hannah (my 2 1/2 year old) is watching "tartoons" in the living room. I know what you are thinking......a 5 year old begging to go to bed? I thought the same thing. I went up to check on her....SHE IS OUT! I took her temp....normal. No coughing, not complaints of a sore thought, NOTHING! I hope she is not coming down with something. But, I have noticed Pre-K is kicking her butt! She has been more sick, more tired, and has more attitude! I guess that comes with the territory.

I am heading off to start my new book from the library. Twilight. I know I am behind on the times on this one. I broke down and got it. Lets see if I like it or not.

Till next time....